Thursday, August 24, 2006

and back

I’ve missed writing here. Well, I’ve missed the desire to write here.

I told myself I wouldn’t come back to write here until I went ahead and got at least three things done on my important-things-to-do-if-I’m-going-to-make-it-in-this-world list. I’ve done five, though one of them was not so significant. It was just doing my laundry.

Yeah I know. And there is still much more to go. But I did something productive at least. Five things even.

Still, getting back here is difficult.

Talk to me three weeks back and you would have talked to someone who felt, for a moment, cautiously happy. I had begun to figure out how I could sort my masters out. My family was all gone. T was on holiday but he had left me a promising and exciting message about how much he looked forward to his return. We had made clear our desire to meet and fuck once he got back. I was excited.

It’s been nearly six months since I’ve had sex. With plans on the horizon, the anticpation seemed a sweet pain in my life once again. Time seemed to come alive and stuff. I sang yearny songs. I hummed while naked in the mirror. I got the occasional body shiver. I smiled to myself. I waited.

A week later I got a call from the doctor. The pap smear from my physical had come back mildly abnormal. ASCUS to be precise. Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance. Meaning: we haven’t the faintiest, but come back in six months and we’ll try and tell you.

ASCUS. These five letters have turned my plans-- and for some reason, my world in general-- topsy-turvy.

I have been through hell and back in these past two weeks. I mean both the hell and the back part. I have lost hope. I have felt filled with optimism. I have cried until my nose and lungs begged for reprieve. I have then blown my nose, taken a deep breath, paused for a moment thinking I’m done, and then gone right on crying. I have researched until my brain was black and blue with the constant punches of information from every corner. I have felt staunch and fine and calm and ready to deal with all that comes my way. I’ve wanted to do the right thing. I’ve wanted to weasel out and flake. I’ve been philosophical, I’ve been whiny. I’ve been mature and logical, and then I have wanted to be held in someone’s arms like a baby and scream. I have thought several times that I have come to major decisions in my life and views, and then they have seemed to all vaporize in the next moment’s caprice. You get the idea.

I have gone through these cycles sometimes over a couple of days, sometimes over a day, sometimes a couple of times over a day, sometimes within an hour.

I am not completely sure why this has elicited such a wide range of strong, rapidly fluctuating responses from me.

I’ve a lot to say on this, much to get out, to explain just why I’ve been so all over the place. But for now I just wanted to touch base again. I think I will feel less overwhelmed if I just let it out in as many tidbits as I need, whenever I can.

If anyone's still around, good thoughts are welcome.


Jstine said...

Oh, god, "Learn" -- what awful complications seem to invade your sweet being!! (I just sent you a private email -- but had no news until this minte, when I finally doped out how to find your blog. My faves list was vaporized! As I wrote...)

You've promised here to tell us more as you get time to sort things out. And that's as much as we could reasonably hope for...but just know we are here for you. I guess I should say "I" -- but I'm certain that Red and Anna and O and everyone will be equally standing by to do whatever you might need.

**Huge group-hug here**

Your Justine

anna said...

Learn - you are so beautiful and you are so strong, for some reason the universe is testing you but I know you will prevail. You are amazing. *big huge all encompassing hugs*

O said...

Darling learn,

I have much to say to you, and I will do so privately tonight. For here, I'll say just--I'm here for you. Keep the courage, beautiful one. anna is right, you will prevail.


Anonymous said...

I'm sending those good thoughts your way. One day you'll know what it is you were to learn, just know there are those sending healing thoughts while you do.

learn said...

Dear Justine,
Thank you for the e-mail hon and for this comment. It sounds a bit stiff but it really does mean a lot that you are here for me, as you have been since you've known me. I'll try to write soon, meantime hope the new post fills you in a bit more.
Love and hugs back,

learn said...

Sweet Anna,

Thank you so much. I.. just..yeah..thank you for the reading and the e-mail and the faith and the hugs.
Man, I've missed you, it was nice to see you posting recently, though I see you've been a bit stressed too.
I do hope it will all work out too, as I am sure will all your planning.
Big hug back!!!

Lotsa love,

learn said...

Lovely O,

Thank you for writing and for being such a lovely friend. I loved hearing from you; it was such a comforting e-mail too. (That I hope to respond to within this week.)

Honestly, all three of you have overwhelmed me a bit, and it made me slightly teary to read these. And then much calmer in the wake. I'd forgotten how you all could be.

I will write soon O, promise, and hopefully maybe even catch you elsewhere.


learn said...


That is so sweet!

I do not have a huge readership, so your comment meant quite a bit to me. Especially in a time where anonymous comments have tended in the blogging community to be on the nastier side, this came as a wonderful gift. It gave me a good chunk of hope, for myself, and for others.

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. Do stop by again.


Jericho said...

I so know what you mean that I am compelled to find you, sit with you in the dark and speak only if we feel the need. Welcome back... or better yet: welcome to the journey back. You've been missed.

learn said...

Dear Jericho,

I've responded to you above but I just had to say... you have a knack for finding what would feel just right.

Thank you!
