Boohoohoo. Makes the nasty characters goes away, Learn hates them she does, boohoohohoo.
No, seriously, I've tried everything. I have this line in my template:
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
So I changed the character set encoding to iso-88589-1 from my settings as Blogger help suggested, but nothing. Not sure what else to try. And having posted this I notice that the new posts are fine- it's just the old posts I can't fix. Hmm.
Help, someone, anyone? Please? Have pity for the illiterate?
I don't even like this template too much. Much as I love the seaside, sandy beach, Jonathon Livingston scene, it's still waaay too mellow and serene to be me. But then I couldn't find much else, and I needed the change, so I figured I'd keep it for now. And then spent a couple of hours trying to fix it up anyways.
And I have yet to figure out expanded posts. Geez. Wait, no, I figured the expandable post thing.
Now I need to figure how to have every page link back to the main by clicking on something. I would say my title but I stuck it into the banner. hmm.
It never ends..
I adore your site, but it's your words... As for the template and othe technical things... I, too, have a desire to get my blog a cerain way... just can't seem to do it - yet. Maybe one day....
~love my visits here~
Looks great...I think I like it better than the bright green!! You can always change it again later!
As for the techie stuff, I got nothing!! :)
Happy wednesday
Anna, thanks anyways, babe, I'll have to figure something. Yeah, the bright green was hurting my brain. Enjoy your day!
Jericho, awww thanks. I'm going to leave a comment on your blog. Been contemplating the whole cool interview thing you're doing.
Hi Learn,
I've just installed a couple of Isnaini templates on my blogs, and although I like them, I didn't notice a few, um, oddities.
As to the character encoding thing, I'm not entirely sure, but I compared our templates as they're both from the same source, and I noticed that while the very first mention of:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
is the same, my second is different:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
I think that's controlled within Blogger settings. All I can suggest, then, is going into Blogger / Settings / Formatting and changing the 'Encoding' setting to 'Universal (Unicode UTF-8)' - because 'Universal' has to work for everyone and everything, surely? :)
As for providing a constant link back to your homepage, the easiest thing is to stick link tags round the banner. Just do the normal a href thing on either side of the image, but make sure you put border="0" in the code alongside the image so that it doesn't put a big fat border round it to make it look like a link.
So yours would be something like:
<a href=""><img src="" width="750" height="251" border="0"></a>
Hope that helps, and isn't all a load of gobbledygook. I'm going to go and lie down in a darkened room with a towel over my head now.
Orpheus, you rock.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You're my hero. It sounds pathetic, but seeing my blog in the state it was before was actually causing me suffering. :)
I only had the one "meta" line but I figured you're right, Universal is Universal, changed it both there and in my settings, and it worked! And the banner too. No really, you rock.
Now take off that towel so I can put a crown of laurel leaves on your head and give you a hug.
Thanks again,
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