Thursday, May 11, 2006


Sometimes when I want to cum, I like to hear your voice. It is too early for a sometimes but it feels that long.

Sometimes I imagine I would give up the touch of flesh for this. Like I could bargain this, like there is some cost I must pay, a part of me to give up so that I could have this.

I’ve felt trapped now and then in the cold dread before a realization. It’s creeping and crawling on the skin of my arms still. My heart pounds suddenly at odd times, just when I know I’m about to realize it again. But it’s already too late. I realize what a slot-machine game I’d been playing this whole year. What a hook your gamble was. How the possibility of your call was contained in all other calls. I am caught in the moment before I realize there is nothing to anticipate that way. That I can no longer look to see if it’s you, that I will not feel that inner palpitating somersault again. I could think of our calls more, but sometimes it feels like too long-gone a thought. I wish again though that I had had more to say when you called, more to give. You don’t know how my many long silences will haunt me, how I feel they wrapped me, embalmed me, buried me away from you. And how tired I am of that whine inside me.

Sometimes when I want to cum, I want to hear your voice. I lie myself down on my bed and feel like an uncontained dye, bleeding and spreading into my bedsheets without a thought to hold me in. Other times I lie myself down on my bed and the icy dread is there again, has me frozen to my pillow. And I am a phantom whisper of containment this time, held in the moment before I realize your stencil is long-gone for the tracing.

Sometimes I know I shouldn’t have depended on you so much to rein me in. I wish you hadn’t bothered to take control. I wish I hadn’t bothered to struggle to let you have it. I wish you hadn’t bothered to command, I hadn’t bothered to obey. I wish you hadn’t troubled yourself with words like ‘own’ or ‘for me’ or ‘now’. I wish you hadn’t taken the time to talk with me, to read my words. I wish you hadn't stopped to make me tell you I want you, to let me know for even a moment I was yours. I wish I was better at role-play. That it didn’t slip dangerous under my skin quite so much. I wish I had real reproach against you. I wish I didn’t like the sound of you so much.

Sometimes when I want to cum, I try not to hear your voice. I imagine, I dread, that this effort will go on. I will pause to not hear you even with other cocks slid down my fist, throat, cunt. I know it can’t be. I just wish I knew why I always liked your breaking breath so.

Sometimes when I want to cum, I can’t.


Spirit57 said...

As I read your thoughts I realized that was reading an emotion not felt by many. There is a painful twinge to the mood of your word and you leave us no choice but to experience it with you.
I know we are strangers, but this truly moved me.
Thank you for being strong enough to share it.

Jstine said...

Hi, Learn, I just read your note about T lurking in your vicinity. Temptations are there for just that reason: to be resisted! Not that I have anything against someone who turns you on so fully, but I do worry just a bit.

Hugs, J

ps -- I'm pretty sure I commented here a coupla hours ago. I seem to have...evaporated! Or is it the screening thing?

anna said...

Oh learn, I know the hurt is so raw right now, but you're making it. Stay strong.
*hugs & kisses*

learn said...

Spirit- Thank you so much. Stranger or not, I'm moved that you are moved. :)

Justine- Yes, I will have to get to the bottom of it somehow. I'm sorry that I gave him that temptation in the first place.
Bloggers has been swallowing my comments, it's reallly annoying. Feel free to write to me instead if the feeling strikes. (That goes too for anyone else who might have left a comment..) Thanks Justine!

Dear Nina- I still don't think I have anything to shame him for..Will have to go think about it. All I know is you are so special and extraordinary yourself, your comment means an incredible lot!!! Thanks and kisses!!

Anna- Thank you babe.. I think it'll be fine yes, it felt quite good to just let the worst and scariest of my thoughts out, and strangely even more so to have it read. I'll probably write more about that. HUG!!

Challenging M said...

You said you'd go away and think - and look what you've come back with. I can feel you in this so well. Communicating your emotion with such poetic style.

Pain filled your words may be, blunt in places, but you have such a wonderfully lateral way of telling us just what you're feeling.

I'm thinking of you through this hard time.

Your friend, FH xx

learn said...

Thank you FH. A thought from a friend is always good to have.

And it looks like the storm has passed.
