Tuesday, August 16, 2005

queen of procrastination

I realized I was addicted to blogging this morning when I was logging into my university e-mail account and used my blog username instead lol.

Notice here, how ‘my ramblings’ have increased and ‘my realities’ have levelled off?

This is because it has now been one month, three days and hmmm 6 or 7 hours since I last had sex.

I’m melting! I’m MELTING!

Clashes in our schedules have made a meeting with T impossible. And the worst part is I still probably have another week or two to go.

I know it isn't actually that long, I've gone longer before, but I had quickly gotten used to our every two weeks or so schedule.

I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve had sex I’ve practically forgotten how it feels.

Yes, I’ve forgotten how it feels to have him grab me when I’m in front of him and pull me suddenly towards him. So his erection grinds right into me.

I’ve definitely forgotten how it feels, all stretched up and pulsing, when my pussy gives into him and takes in his cock.

And how it feels to keep on giving in as he expands inside me, as I respond to him with my own swelling, my own flow, and he in turn responds to that flow from my swelling inward skin that strokes him. And we go on like that in circles.

These have all been forgotten.


What you are about to witness below (should you so choose to), this ridiculous onslaught of posts like it’s going out of style, is the direct consequence of my lack of action anywhere else.

I know… it ain’t a pretty sight, but all that horny-wonderful energy had to go somewhere ok??

I had all these random little things I wanted to write about and then I kept starting to write something else without finishing another. So what you end up with is a whole bunch of haphazard strange entries. Quantitity over quality.

It is fortuitous perhaps, consider it an advance, because I will be staying away from the blogging in the next week. I have a deadline coming up at uni that I have to work my ass off for. (I can’t even log in everyday just to post these, cos there’s no telling how long I will stay, where I will start to read once I step inside.)

Of course, I wouldn’t have to be working so hard in the first place if I hadn’t been spending so much time trying to finish writing all this stuff that kept popping into my head.

Ah well. With us procrastinators, if it isn’t one thing we just had to do, it’s another...

Have a great week!

PS Leave me comments while I’m gone though, they make me happy.
PPS. Does that make me sad? : )


anna said...

good luck with your assignment!

expei said...

don't think we won't be checking for you. be awesome.