Wednesday, August 03, 2005

my story

He’s going on holiday, which means I’ll have to fend for myself the next couple of weeks.

Not that that’s a huge problem, but I have the sneaking suspicion that I will miss him.

And not just the sex either.

I realize this is not ideal.

What is in the air these days? I sense this pensiveness in everyone. Like we've all been floating on the pollen dreams of spring and summer; we've had our chance to be careless, to ignore, to push back and just be.

But now we sense that it is time for our thoughts to take root and settle before we perish for the winter.

Probably just projection on my part. But I swear I can feel it.

Anyways I’d like to take this chance while he’s away to think more about things.

I think it’s time for ‘my story.’


anna said...

im excited to hear it!

learn said...

thanks anna!

i'm not even sure it's 'story' worthy, but i'll bludgeon through it just the same

Jstine said...

I'm hooked!

Hugs, J