Friday, December 02, 2005


Sitting in a moving bus, your hand above one of my knees, I whisper to you, ‘Could you move that hand a little higher please?’

(25 words)

My first official '25 words or less', a la Figleaf. So much end of term work, I don't have time to write much longer. (There is much to say...)


expei said...

the image is delicious

anna said...


learn said...

thanks expei!

anna, is that agreed to expei, or agreed to my question? ;) thanks!

figleaf said...

Nice one Learn! The great thing about a good 25-worder is that you don't have to say anything else. It's like a seed that you plant that we get to watch grow the more we think about it. This is a great example. Thanks again.

Take care,


learn said...

Thanks Figleaf!

Glad you think I caught the drift.. :)
