Monday, August 29, 2005

quite the weekend

Strange, less than an hour after my last (bitchy) post, I got a call from T. We were both horny. He said it had been a while for him too, though I couldn't work up the nerve to ask how long a while it had been... We got to talking about plans, we eliminated days when we couldn't make it and then realised it might end up that we have to wait another 10 days at least... Then just as I got ready to end the conversation, it occured to him that since I was in town anyways, maybe I could leave a little earlier and pop by to see him for an hour or two before I go see a friend.
There was no time to think about it. There was no sense in being proud, especially since I tend to get more out of our 'sessions' than he does. I left the house in a flurry so I could get there in time, like the shamelessly sex-crazed girl that I am. :)
It was an interesting visit. My first 'hi' and 'bye' with just sex in the middle..
I also had a somewhat painful encounter with X this weekend..
I'll write more about it...just need to digest a bit first... It's been a while since I've posted an installment for 'my story', might work on that a bit too..

Note: Does anyone know where rearview's blog has gone?


anna said...

Glad to hear you got to have some fun...feeling a bit recharged I hope! :)

learn said...


believe me, babe, yes!! and not a moment too soon either..